Tuesday, November 30, 2010

another eye surgery

I got a call yesterday that I was not expecting. I knew Braxton was going to need another surgery, but I had assumed it would be in January or even February. So much for assuming. The test is next week! December 9th, he will go for his second surgery, in attempt to correct his eyes from crossing.
I am thrilled and scared all at once. Thrilled, because his original doctor will be doing the surgery. There was a big chance that she'd go on maternity leave before they could schedule Braxton's surgery. Scared-- well for the obvious. It is surgery. A weird, and I know, maybe not so valid concern, also entered my mind. The doctor is VERY pregnant. Will this effect her ability to be as precise as she needs to be. What if the baby kicks her right when she's about to cut. okay...so now I'm smiling...cuz i realize that is a lame fear to have. or is it.....

Nevertheless, please keep our lil man in your prayers. We want so very badly for this surgery to be successful and for him to be done with vision impairments.

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