Sunday, November 28, 2010

Maybe you can't hear me

Phil and I took braxton to his audiology appointment last week. We started off by doing a 2 minutes screening to see if he needed the ABR (more complex test which required him to be completely still/asleep for at least 20 minutes). The doctor wasn't impressed with the initial screening; it was showing some loss, but you can never be too sure with that test, so he went ahead and did the ABR.

He was GREAT during the test....and well....lets face it, mom was pretty good too. Someone had to keep him asleep :)

After the test, we went into the conference room, and the doctor started off saying he wasn't worried at this point. But in the same breathe he said that Braxton was showing a high frequency hearing loss. He said that because of the extent of his prematurity, his brain could be playing a huge role in what he hears. His brain might not be processing those high frequency sounds yet. So we will go back in a year to determine if he will need a hearing aid or not.
So the results were inconclusive at this time. I know he can hear...but I would not be surprised if he did end up having a high freq. loss. Being that he is a micro preemie and I have a history of hearing loss it would not be completely shocking.

Xander goes to the same appointment on monday morning....


  1. No comments about what the doc specifically told you? (wink wink)
    Thanks for keeping us all up to date.

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