Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Last year we had so much to be Thankful for....Braxton and Xander were alive and by this point, we were pretty sure the daily scares of death were behind us. However, this year we have so much more to be thankful for. The boys did not have to spend their Thanksgiving in the NICU, but were home with us....we were officially celebrating our first Thanksgiving as a family of 5!

We had a small gathering with a few of my cousins, my mom and my step dad, and my nephew. But all I could really focus on this day, was watching my babies cruise around the house--not having a clue of how special it was that they were here with us. One day they will realize the special gift they are to us and to many people around.

Praying over our food- Caden is very much into praying. :)

An attempt to get a group shot. we'll try again next year.

My little man...holding a chess piece, contemplating his next move.

Party ANIMAL...that's all I gotta say.

My cousin jaime (from Iowa), with her lil' 2nd cousins.


"auntie" Kirsten (my cousin) with Braxton. Having a moment.


My little ham!

This kid follows his GG around all you see, they are in love.

Making sure we weren't burning the turkey (don't worry the oven isn't hot)

Grandpa doing what he loves to do, rock the kids to sleep.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures.
    Looks like you all had a blast.
    Yahoo for all 5 Carmonas together.
