Monday, November 22, 2010

Can you hear me!?

Braxton and Xander have their hearing tests this week. Braxton's is tomorrow and Xander's is next week. I wish it were the same day, but I guess for this type of test they only do one a day. (time consuming).
They have to get to the appointment very tired and very hungry. Makes for a fun morning for mom and dad. So for tomorrow, I plan to wake Braxton up around 4 (or if he is on his schedule, he will wake ME up at 4). Then I will give a little milk, but he is going to be grumpy because he will want more and want to sleep. Phil has to come with me, because someone has to sit in the back with him, to make sure he doesn't fall asleep. The goal is to have him sound asleep for test. So right when they are about to do the test I will feed him and he will most likely konk out. The test takes about 30 minutes from what I understand and if he wakes up..well...then we have to reschedule and try again another time.
I NEED prayers that he will sleep-and sleep without moving. hmm...seems impossible, huh. NOthing is impossible tho (as we know!) Some places sedate but not this place I guess. Oddly's at Loma Linda...I"m surprised.

So tmw morning at 8:00 we will be attempting this test. My predictions are that he might have a slight hearing loss, but nothing worrisome.

thanks for the prayers.

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