Monday, November 15, 2010

Developemental clinic

Phil and I take the boys to the High Risk Infant clinic for a check up tomorrow-- This is the place where the different specialist look at them; physical therapist, dietitian, doctor, etc. I am always full of mixed emotions leading up to these appointments. Its the place where they tell you (or remind you I should say, because deep down I already know) how far behind they are or where they are lacking in different areas, etc. It's also the place where I get to hear, "wow, they are doing great." or "I can't believe how far they have come." And so on... Yes I hear these things already, but coming from the doctors that took care of them when they were just 8 days old, holds a whole different weight and registers way differently in my mind.

Will let you know how it goes.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I shall be praying for you and Phil. That you can hear and accept what the doctors say knowing that it is the Lord who is sustaining and growing them.
    I am in a state of continual awe. Braxton and Xander are little troopers. God's hand has continually been upon them...and you and Phil for that matter
    Keep us posted!
