Monday, November 1, 2010


We had a fun family day at a huge pumpkin patch and then went to a local church to their harvest festival/carnival that evening. Caden really enjoyed himself...I think he is finally coming out of his shy/nervous shell. He was willing to try new things, where as last year (or even a few months ago) he was afraid of everything. Glad that stage is coming to an end. The twins just chilled....they don't get as anxious with noise and crowds. pheww....

I sorta felt like a freak show at a circus tho...I kid you not. EVERY turn we made, people starred at us. If they weren't staring they were making comments about our stroller, or about how we have our handsful. (I would be a RICH girl if I had a quarter everytime I heard the phrase, "wow you really have your handsful"). Some people asked if they were triplets (that was the first...but knew that would come sooner than later). I don't mind the attention (c'mon), but after awhile it does get a little embarrassing. I feel like I need to go home and practice my miss America wave so for the next time we are all out in public, I am prepared.

1 comment:

  1. are a bit of a show.
    Looks like you guys had a blast. Adorable photos. Totally sweet memories.
    Still reeling that the twins are 1 and Caden is 2. Where has the time gone?!
    Glad to see they are feeling better too.
