Thursday, November 18, 2010

Developmental clinic update

Boys went to their appointment this week. The news I got was good....the Physical Therapist had so much to say about braxton's growth and development. She was very pleased to see he was crawling and cruising around furniture. She said, multiple times, she is not worried that he won't walk. She said it in such a way, that it was obvious she had that concern the last time. She did say he is still showing signs of having low tone (tightness) in his ankles, hamstrings and trunk. She showed us some stretches to do to help this. The fact that he is meeting those gross motor skills, though, is very good. VERY. God is so good....this kid wasn't suppose to be able to do any of the things he is doing now.
As for xander...she wasn't concerned with gross motor skills at all. In fact, her assessment on him took half the time. She did say that she would like to work on his attention span. He is very hyper and a big concern with preemies is ADHD. He's also a boy and so i"m not focusing all my energy on trying to label him (especially THAT label....happens too often, unnecessarily....i could on and on about labels. I'll spare you...)
health wise....their lungs sounded good. They have runny noses, but tis the season. No big concerns there.
Over all it was a good check up. We are moving in the right directions :)

GOd is so faithful and so amazing--without Him, I know my boys would not be here with us today. There's no doubt in my mind that God is going to use for His glory. Can't wait. Bring it! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like all great news! I can't wait to see all of you again next month!
