Wednesday, December 1, 2010

assume the position

I had a rare opportunity to escape upstairs and do whatever it is I WANTED to do...for me. No one else. A time to read, watch tv, catch up on mindless internet surfing...oh and of course Facebook. But all that was ruined....I hesitate to use the word ruin, but yes. I"ll keep that word. All that was ruined because as soon as I propped myself up in bed (you know how you do. A few fat pillow behind your back, one behind you head and your body is slouched just perfectly, looking as if you ate a few too many brownies). Your comfortably sitting with your laptop in place, ready to "play". However, once I assumed the position, a FLOOD of memories came rushing to the forefront of my mind. For one month....four and a half weeks to be exact, I assumed that position.

The truth is...many nights when I get into bed, the first thing I think of is that month I spent cooped up in bed. And I wonder those boys came so early. Look how I was sitting! sitting up. however, slouched. No one told me specifically to lay flat. No one said to basically hang from your ankles. No...I'm not blaming the doctors. And I'm definitely trying not to blame myself. again. But nevertheless, my rare opportunity of solitude has been overtaken by these vivid memories. Memories that will mark the beginning of a huge journey--a journey of which I am still on.

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