Wednesday, December 15, 2010

PIP: Parent Infant Program

The boys, Braxton and Xander have had hearing tests, which have revealed a hearing loss in the high frequency. The audiologist mentioned that early intervention would not hurt at this point. SO I called my old school that I worked at, CSDR, and looked into their Parent Infant Program (PIP). After a few phone calls, an initial meeting to evaluate the boys, we now have an official meeting on Jan. 6th. This is where we will determine the best placement for them and create some goals.

I'm excited about this opportunity, because the boys will be fully submerged into an ASL environment for a few hours a day (M-TH).

Weeks and months to come, we will find out more details about the boys hearing loss...if they will benefit from a hearing aid and if they need to continue with speech therapy, etc. Time will tell....kinda the token phrase of this whole preemie journey.

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