Monday, February 22, 2010

so tired

is it possible to ALWAYS be
so completely tired!?
I mean....last night I went to bed
at 8pm and woke up at 4am.
(babies had to eat)
that's plenty of sleep, right?
but I'm sitting here dragging...

Perhaps it's because my babies
are SO high maintenance.
Seriously...I was so spoiled
with Caden. He was the easiest
baby of all time. So chill and mellow.
slept most of the day. Still quite the
mellow lil' guy.

Braxton and Xander requre such
particular attention. And when I
say particular, I mean PARTICULAR.
don't think you can pick them up and
hold them like a baby. NOPE. You must
hold them in a 180 degree position
with their head cocked just the right way
so that their faces are snuggled in
your neck. Cute, yes. but exhausting. uh huh

I always feel like a nag when I'm giving people
instructions on how to handle them. It's
not for my sake. But if we don't do it JUST
right...they are LOUD and tell you about it.

They are finally back to sleep...and i now hear
Caden. Not sounding so mellow at the moment.
The day has begun....

1 comment:

  1. I just want to encourage with a few thoughts. I am a mother of 4. When my youngest was born my oldest was 4. I want to encourage you that it will get easier, maybe not tomorrow but it will. I know that you have a hard long road but i fully believe that God only gives twins to special moms and dads. He picked you out of all the mommies in the world to be their mother and nurture, cherish, love, take care of and support. That means you and Phil are special! and fully capable!!!! Just keep plugging along. You may need a break and thats ok - if possible step out of the room for a min, pray take a deep breath. I know what it means to be tired and I will continue to pray for you all. Remember God picked you and loves you even at your breaking point! Blessings and prayers
