Saturday, February 6, 2010

NOT eating

The twins saw the doctor today. She wanted to weigh them and then check out how Xander's lungs sounded. He hasn't been eating well AT ALL. For the last 2-3 days he will only take an ounce...and sometimes this is after 4 or 5 hours. His chest actually sounded fine (so no fluid that we know of on his lungs), and other than that he looked good too. Of course he only gained an ounce after 10 days. This isn't good. So what she is having me do is increase his dirul and previcid meds. These will help the fluid exchange and the reflux. After he sees the BPD doctors on Tuesdays, and comes back to see the pediatrician on Thursday, she will determine if we need to add more calories. This would mean some sort of oil that we put in his formula.
This last feeding he ate 50 and with a lot of hopefully the phase is ending and this won't be an issue anymore.


  1. Forgot to mention...Braxton gained a whole pound so he is weighing in at 11 pounds 10 ounces! :)

  2. I definitely know how frustrating it can be. Julia was so picky on eating. She too showed little signs of hunger, until it got to the point where she was starving. Then all chaos would break out between the two of them. Have you tried switching bottles/feeding systems? I noticed that with some types of nipples/bottles she would eat more at a time.

    Oh, and I was going to mention that the boys weights seem great to me. They're alot heavier than what mine were at the same age.
