Thursday, February 18, 2010

Regional Center: assessment today

Couldn't sleep too well last night. We are getting the boys assessed by regional center today. this is a state funded program that all "at risk" infants qualify for. Because the boys are so premature, they automatically get a case. Today, however, they will assess them to see if they need on going services; such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc. If the boys do need services, the case manager and teacher will come weekly to work with the boys and will develop goals. this is similar to an IEP which i'm all too familiar with being that I taught special ed.

I'm trying to keep an open mind, and realize that even if they see that they do need services, it's not necessarily a "bad" thing. in fact, it's a good thing. Earlier the intervention the better for their development. However, as their mom, and a former special ed. teacher, there's those natural fears, thoughts, that my children will be labeled. I have to remember though; those "labels" don't define who they are. In fact, from experience, I know many kids are labeled for the wrong reasons. And it's just that. A label.

Must end abruptly...caden is crying upstairs. Please keep the boys in your prayers that god would give the teacher/and case manager wisdom as they work with our babies.

check back for an update


  1. Shawna,
    I can't wait to hear how this goes...I agree that labels suck, but wow the services they offer are so incredible. I know many a story about how these early interventions have been an incredible blessing.
    I look forward to hearing more about their progress.
    take care friend.

  2. Good thing about labels, they can be removed, declassified, etc. Jordi (now 15) loved her weekly OT/speech visits when she was little - no problems now! The boys are gorgeous, we'll keep on praying for all of you - Hannah (Erin's mom)
