Saturday, February 20, 2010

Early Start: Evaluations completed

We all survived the 2 hour assessments...It wasn't as scary or nerve wracking as I had predicted. In fact, it felt just like an IEP. There was a nurse/case manager and the infant development teacher.
Now, I have to say...I have really high standards and had a lot of questions for the teacher. (i mean...being a teacher myself, it's only natural, right). I didn't want to sound like, "one of those moms" (and you who are in special ed know exactly what I'm talking about). The moms that over advocate (well is that really possible. by that i mean, mom's who think they know more than the professional.) Don't get me wrong...the parents know the child better than the professional, but I didn't want to come across as closed minded and not open to professional opinions. First questions i asked the two that came were, what are your qualifications and what is your background in this field. I was impressed with their answers and ready to get the assessments underway.

Both boys were put in the 0-2 months old category. Which is appropriate seeing as how they are measured at their adjusted age (2 months old). They did not have any real concerns and were very impressed with how they looked. Their first comment was on their head shape. Most preemies have a very long, skinny head (known as "toaster head"). Sad, but true. Because they are on vents and confined for so long, their heads don't get to be manipulated much. However, I was on the nurses from day one about this and they did an awesome job.

Braxton's assessment:
-some tightness in the hip area
-weak eye control
-slightly stiff neck (right side)
-arching (stiffens backwards)
-good head control
-good positioning when put on tummy

Xadner's assessment:
-stiff back (likes to arch backwards)
-great eye control, tracks well
-starting to coo and smiles. Socially very appropriate
-coordination with suck/swallow needs work (lung issues relate to this)

We will have someone come next week to show us baby massage. This helps with gas issues and over all development. very calming.

The teacher will start coming weekly and will give us "homework" with what we can do to help the boys. They set goals and are to be reached within a year. Right now everything we are doing is just for preventative purposes. NO LABELS at this point :) The stiffness can be helped with daily stretches and exercises. The eye issue with braxton will be looked at more closely next week at his eye appointment.

Over all, I was pleased and am looking forward to the teacher coming to work with the boys. If at some point things get worse, then we will be referred to an OT/PT for additional services.

Thanks for the prayers...please continue to pray for these issues.


  1. You are continually in our prayers. If you need me to help with Caden while you are taught the stretches, etc. please call me. I feel so bad that I haven't been over there yet due to my own boys being sick. If you ever need to talk, I am just a phone call away! ;-)

  2. Pretty encouraging evaluations. These little guys are doing great. I continue
    to pray them, you and Phil and darling Caden. I have so much admiration for you both. Many blessings and hugs, Lili

    That's a testimony of God's over-achieverness!

    So glad to hear about these assessments.

    I know ur still pooped to the max...but good news is such a blessing!

    Thanks for the consistent and faithful updating.

  4. This is good news. As you know, preemies can have a host of issues and it sounds like your little guys are progressing well. They may have a few issues that need addressing, but some regular workouts over time should get them on track nicely. Hope all goes well with the eye visit.
