Thursday, February 18, 2010

Out as a WHOLE family (pics)

The Carmona family had their first outing together. All five of us took advantage of the 80 degree weather and went for a stroll to the park. The twins did fairly well...Braxton wasn't too sure about it at first. Popped a binky in his mouth and he was all good. Xander woke up towards the end of the walk and was not havin' it anymore. The stroller is so smooth that it didn't give them that soothing sensation they like (the bumpy, jolting motion). Of course the "driver" loved the way it wheeled around so nicely.

(excuse the poor quality pictures. Of course I left the house without my real camera, so had to use the mobile)

I want to give a special thanks to Life Church, Deaf Ministry for allowing us to buy this awesome stroller. You guys totally blessed us.

1 comment:

  1. We took Damon to the Thundersky park just a couple of days when he got home from the hospital, too! I'm so glad you were able to get out of the house with everyone. That is great!
