Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hell on Earth?

Know the phrase, "hell on earth." I never really knew what that would look like, being that I've never visited hell (and hope to never for that matter). Well, I can honestly say...I think hell might have showed its evil face yesterday.

My friend Lauren was here most of the day helping (thank you lauren!). You would think with both of us here that the 4 loads of laundry would get done, the kitchen would be sparkling, and all the toys would be put in it's appropriate place. NOPE! It took two of us to calm the troops and deal with their needs, that we weren't able to do any chores. It was a busy day, that's for sure. However, Hell didn't rise to earth until the moment (literally) she had to leave.

She left and Caden woke up from his nap (HE never wakes up on his own in the afternoon. I always have to wake him). He woke up pulling at his ear and crying; he was super fussy. I get down stairs and both babies are a mess. So here I am...ONE mom...THREE crying babies. Of course I go to xander first, because as he's crying his face turns dusky and it's obvious he's losing brain cells due to lack of oxygen (okay maybe I'm exaggerating there, but he definitely turns colors if you let him cry for too long). Meantime, Caden is trying to yank the baby out of my arms, because, of course, he's sad and wants to be held. Can't blame the kid. But how do you explain that your little brother has CLD and needs help breathing!? This goes on for hours...mind you, I have a migraine during the whole thing.

After an hour I called my cousin that lives by and asked her to come over asap. I was not going to make it another second without going completely (and I say this with a lot of truth) insane. She gets to my house (thank you lena!), and chaos subsides a little. I was SO thankful to be able to leave that one room and to do a load laundry. (who says that?!).

Moral of the story...when hell shows it's face, don't be afraid to call for help. I am not superwoman....and cannot care for three crying babies by myself. (meantime, poor phil was working all day until 11pm). I knew I appreciated help, but this day I really REALLY appreciate those that help serve our family. What a blessing!

This post isn't intended for sympathy or for me to get, "poor you" comments. Just to show how incredibly hard this is. I have complete trust that GOd will get me through this, but my faith, yesterday, was running on empty that's for sure. Thank GOD I'm blessed with a new day.


  1. Darn it all.
    Sorry friend.
    And a few poor shawna's aint so bad.

  2. Yep my dear, many of us moms have had those moments. I know my breaking point and I call in for reinforcements too. No shame.

  3. So sorry you had a bad day. Please feel free to call me for help. If my boys are well, I will be there within a few minutes!
