Thursday, April 1, 2010

Recent pictures: Easter Fun

Having fun with daddy. Never a dull moment with these two.

Easter event at our local park
Watching intently at the band...I will be very surprised if Caden does not end up playing some kind of instrument. he LOVES music.
We got him to sit for a few minutes. This was taken just before he started to cry. My kid...cried?! ;)
Looking at the ducks in the petting zoo
Wasn't too sure about the bunny.
Easter Egg Hunt time
Which way do i go dad...?
his one and only egg. There were WAY too many kids and aggressive parents there. Should have grouped them 0-1 not 0-3. Oh year you'll get more.

Tummy Time
Love the face, Xander
Looking good Braxton!
They love to lay next to eachother.