Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"appointment week"

I'm preparing myself for a week full of appointments for the boys (all three).

Tomorrow Xander has his BPD appointment. This is where he see 4 specialist, including the pulmonologist. We are hoping after this appointment we can call the company that provides the apnea monitor and the oxygen tanks to come and get them-- once and for all. That will be so nice. Xander's monitor hasn't gone off in quite some time, so I don't see why they wouldn't do this.

Monday is Xander's ENT appointment. This is where we will find out if he has a "collapsed" vocal chord. This can happen due to being intubated for so long. If not collapsed, then maybe just weak. He still has a stridor/raspy voice, but seems to be getting better. They might have to do a procedure that will "put him out", to really tell. (hoping not tho).

Braxton has his follow up eye appointment on Wednesday. I'm thinking the doctor will suggest we start patching his eyes to strengthen the muscles. They are still pretty bad; crossed most of the time. Poor guy...he tries so hard to focus and just can't keep his eyes in one place. It hasn't stopped him from coo'ing and giggling all the time tho. He often tells us many stories. :0)

Next Friday big bro, Caden has his 18 month appointment. WOW, 18 months!?!

Busy few days comin' up.

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