Thursday, March 4, 2010

regional centers first therapy session

The first visit with regional center went well. The teacher (as they call the early interventionist) was really impressed with their abilities. She will be coming once a week for two hours.

Some of what you see here is tummy time, stretches, sensory therapy, tracking exercises, etc.
I was happy to see that Braxton could roll from his back to him tummy without help! I need to give him more opportunities to do this. Really, she left us with some homework, as she will do weekly. One was to give both boys more floor time and more opportunities to grab things. I struggle with this, because when big brother is around, you can't keep them on the floor. The boys have to be carried, in a chair (with an adult very near by), or in their bed. I'm going to make a point to let the boys do floor exploring when caden is asleep.

We did notice that braxton is more stiff on his right side. So I will be doing more massage on that side. Finding time to do all this will be the challenge. I know it's SO beneficial for them, so we will figure it out.


  1. One day at a time sista!
    Soo good to hear continued reports of good news.
    Keep up the hard work!

  2. Wow! You are both awesome parents and I know the boys will fourish because of it. xoxo
