Thursday, March 11, 2010

praying for braxton's eyes

As most of you know, Braxton's eyes are weak and he is cross eyed most of the time. The eye doctor isn't too concerned just yet, seeing as how he's only 3 months adjusted in age. However, I am not seeing much changes; which of course worries me. I wanted to write this, in hope that people would pray with me, specifically on braxton's eye muscles. The worse thing that could happen is surgery, and from there, surgery again (as they say it often takes a few tries to get the alignment right). UGH!
I feel so bad for Braxton, because you can tell he wants to interact like his brother and smile and coo, but he can't ever seem to focus long enough to enjoy what he's looking at. He does, however, respond to your voice and you can tell that he gets excited when you are talking to him. He does smile and coo, but it's not as often as Xander (who is mr. social butterfly)
We try to give him something to focus on all the time...especially our faces as we know babies love to look at faces.
Here's a picture of what his eyes look like. You can see his left eye is a tad worse than the right.

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