Friday, March 19, 2010

Remembering when...

Remembering when
I saw the boys suck on a binkie for the first time.
what an meant they had the
suck reflex. How we, mothers of full term babies,
take advantage of the "little" things.

Here is a short clip of one of the boys sucking on the
"beginner" binkie. Their goal was to be able to suck
on the green one. These were huge moments in
these little boy's lives.

They would often get tired after only 5 sucks. We had
to hold it in their mouth at all times for quite some
time. Even now, we sometimes have to do that.

I'm so proud of my x twins!


  1. This video is so precious. It looks like he is trying to stay awake in order to continue to suck.

  2. Oh my gosh. I have goose bumps! God is definitely good!
