Thursday, April 22, 2010

high risk infant clinic

Phil and I took the boys to the clinic this week. It went as expected. I expected the PT to comment on braxton's muscle tone. She kept telling the other doctor in the room that it was increased. This means that it's tight. It wasn't so tight that she was concerned enough to slap on a label of CP right then and there. In fact, she said with PT and OT a lot of it could get better. (that and LOTS of prayer!) So that is what we are doing. We got referred for pt and ot once a week. (i'm thinking each appointment will be once a week, making it two appointments a week for braxton.) For Xander, his tone was a lot better, but they were trying to find a way to get him eligible for PT and OT too. Because he was so premature, he could benefit from the therapy as well. So he's going to get the same services weekly. YES...the thought of driving kids to these appointments and securing sitters for caden sounds nightmarish. BUUUT, I'm not going to freak out-- everything has worked out great thus far, I know it will be ok. (at least I keep telling myself that to avoid a panic attack).

Developmentally, the boys are right on track with their adjusted age, which is 4 months. In fact, in some areas (localization of sound), they fell in the 5 month range. So they are doing good there. This was great news.

Braxton weighs 13.2 lbs
Xander weighs 12.7 lbs

Oh, and some more great news is that Braxton is off the Apnea monitor! whoo hoooo. This will make life so much easier. So both boys are tube and wire free! Praise the LORD.

Both boys are teething. that has been really enjoyable! (sense some sarcasm?!). Braxton's tooth has actually started to poke through. He's not eating as much and sleep is rare. I'm ready for the tooth to come in so he can finally relax some.

I see some light at the end of the tunnel as far as feedings go. In fact I sit here, right now, at 4:45am. I should have fed the boys at 4, that would have been 4 hours since their last feedings, but they are still a sleep. I do NOT dare to wake them. Our goal is for them to go 6 hours in the night. We can do this as long as they keep gaining weight.

We are introducing our boys to the outside world (church) this sunday. I am really excited and I know people have been wanting to meet them. Its a special event this sunday, with church being outside. I thought being in the open air would be "safer" (thinking of germs and all). I was never a germ freak until we entered into the world of the NICU. The NICU is the most sterile place I've ever seen....and we had to become "that" in oder to enter into the unit. I definitely brought some of that home with me. With that said...I'm still apprehensive about letting people get too close and hold them. Any infection will most likely still go right to xander's weak lungs and he will end up in the hospital. Hopefully people will understand.

next...we wait for the boy's eye appointments. Xander has one coming up in May to check his vision and to look at a cyst growing on the side of his eye. Braxton's is early june to follow up on his crossed eyes. (which have shown some good improvements!).

ALL IN ALL, phil and I are pleased and continue to thank GOD for all He has done. It's truly amazing...sometimes I can't even wrap my mind around it.

I hear a babbling baby...guess i better go warm up their milk.


  1. Amazing news! I'm sorry we will miss you at church since we'll still be out of town. Take pictures! (I know you will!)

  2. Nobody should be giving any diagnosis of CP until they are almost 3 years old, and hopefully NEVER! Increased tone is sooooo difficult to accurately assess when they are this young and sometimes things look different from month to month. I love, love, love reading about all the amazing progress they have made. They are truly blessed to have you and Phil as their parents! If you ever have any questions about tone, or services, or anything, give me a call.
