Thursday, April 1, 2010


Our little Xander if FREE from all wires. Off. Completely! Apnea monitor is going back and the oxygen can stay off of him. (we will keep it for another month, though, in case he gets sick and may need it).

The nurse today asked, "how old was he when he was born." (guess she didn't look at his chart) I said, "23 weeks". Her face was classic. She was so shocked to hear that and then I said he was a twin and she was even more blown away (since twins are at an even higher risk). She used words like, "miracle" and "blessing". SURE IS!

I took xander, for the first time [taking any one of the twins] to his appointment. He did really well. Barely cried and slept most of the whole way there and back. phew! I was nervous about the screaming and my sanity.

praying for more good news at next week's appointments.

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