Sunday, April 18, 2010

twins are 8 months old!

So hard to believe that our baby boys have been with us for 8 months already! I was just talking to a friend about how quickly their first birthdays are approaching. God has been soo good to us, it is unbelievable. 8 months ago I would have told you that I could never handle this journey. Who would say they could handle the ups and downs of the NICU; the scares and the what ifs and the unknowns; the juggling of a marriage, finances, and three kids.

almost three years ago phil and I got married and a month later we were packing up to move to riverside. At the time I knew it was for business. But God knew it was for so much more. I see it more clearly now, why He wanted us here. He saw the needs of our life before we even lived it. We are blessed to have our own business which PHil could have flexibility to visit our boys in the hospital and to help with the house/caden while I was on bed rest. God knew we would (after a year of searching) find an awesome church that we could call home. He knew how we would need all the support and encouragement only a "family" could give. God placed us in this house that we live in. It was bigger than we even thought we'd need. Why would the two of us need a 4 bedroom, 2500 sq. foot home?! We struggled at first with purchasing it, but then it was evident that God opened the doors. God knew our Family was going to instantly be growing, going from 2 to 5 in a matter of months. We are blessed to have a home that we can all live comfortably in.

All to say...these last 8 months, I have seen Gods hand on our life. Not to mention our boys lives. They are doing remarkably well! thank you for all the prayers. Braxton's eyes are slowly showing signs of improvement and his muscle tone is also getting better. We go next week to the clinic which they will give the boys an assessment to see where they fall on the charts developmentally. There is so much more prayer needed-- as they are still behind in many areas.

I leave you with a couple videos of our happy baby boys.


  1. Gosh, watching these does my heart good. They are truly precious.
    I love the baby noises. B better get on the ball. I need a baby.
    Thanks for sharing guys!

  2. Happy Birthday to the boys!! :) Gosh, they've sure grown!! God is blessing you all! Hugs! Again, thanks for keeping us all posted!! :)

  3. I just left a comment but I hit the X button to exit before it went through I think.
    Anyway, so again, glad things have turned out so well!! Cute videos.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Your journey is truly amazing!!! :)

  5. Hello,
    The boys are so beautiful!! Hope you all are doing well. You have been through so much!! You seem to be so strong and have so much to be thankful for!! Love to see the boys and Kayden and how you all are doing. Thinking of you and wishing you the BEST!!
