Monday, April 12, 2010


I am SO blessed to be married to a man who sacrifices so many things...for me.
As some of you know, the boys sleep
down stairs in a twin pack n play. Our arrangement has been this;
I put caden to bed about 7/7:30
and then I start getting ready for bed myself and am pretty much
asleep by 8:30. Because I am up at 3 to start my day, Phil has
been sleeping on the couch with the
boys and doing the late/early morning feedings.
He wants to be sure I have
as much energy as possible to take care of all three (VERY energetic)
children at those early morning hours (well, and all day).
I just feel so blessed.
The other day I slept downstairs so he could get more rest
(he had to leave for a job at 6am). The next day I realized
how spoiled i really was.

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