Friday, April 30, 2010

Dear Doctors

Dear Doctors,

I am 4 and a half months adjusted and
I am touching my toes, rolling over, grabbing toys (at mid line), putting toys in my mouth, "talking", enjoying my tummy time, and smiling at my friends and family.

I am
NOT eating from a G-tube, I am not blind, I did not have any surgeries, I am meeting all my gross motor mile stones. Not to mention, I am not using a trach, I am no longer on oxygen, and my apnea monitors are no where to be seen. oh, and I never got that shunt in my brain you predicted would need to happen.

When I was just 6 weeks old you told my parents to give up and let me be with Jesus. Thank you LORD for having a different plan for my life. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for me.

The mighty X-Twins
(Braxton and Xander Carmona)


  1. I got teary eyed over that one. They are truly amazing!

  2. Praise God his mercies endure forever!

  3. Wow...God's work is amazing!!! God bless those boys!

  4. This is seriously amazing. It's awesome to think back over all that God has done! I get so excited!!! Can't wait to see what hurdle they'll be clearing next... Love to you ALL!
