Friday, April 23, 2010

THANK GOD for insurance

Phil and I finally got the anticipated medical statement from the hospital. We looked at the bottom of the bill, and it read $1500.00. Yea, that's not really pocket change, but compared to what the NICU cost, it felt like pennies.

We looked at the statement more closely and had to get a pen out to draw in commas between the numbers to see just how much ONE baby cost (mind you, at ONE hospital). For one baby at Loma Linda it was over 2 MILLION dollars! So the five month stay was over 4 million at Loma Linda. The 8 day stay at Riverside Community was just over 400,000 for one baby. We are looking at a total of over 5,000,000 dollars. needless to say, our mouths dropped.

like I said....THANK GOD for insurance!

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