Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Turning ONE

A year ago today, braxton and xander were born. At 1 pm phil rushed me to the hospital, as it was obvious I quickly went into active labor, having contractions a minute apart. The nurses and doctors thought about giving me an IV to stop these contractions, but it was too late. One of the sacs was already showing. It was time.
At 3:19pm and 3:20, Braxton and Xander entered this world via emergency c-section. They were immediately intubated because they were barely breathing on their own. They were quickly wheeled by me so I could get a glimpse of my new sons.
At this moment...and months to come I would be walking through life completely numb and unaware of what just happened to me and my family. My sons were in critical condition...every minute of every day they could have been taken from us.
By God's grace, a year later I sit here caring for three energetic and loving little boys.

Doctors told us that their quality of life did not look good. Infact, when the boys were just 6 weeks old, they suggested that we end support for xander. Xander's lungs were way under developed and he had a brain bleed that was pressing against the brain tissue. They were certain he would need a trach to help him breathe for the rest of his life, they have eye surgery for ROP, and a shunt to help the swelling in his brain. .....
After 5 months in the hospital (arriving home on jan 12, 2010), Xander came home without a trach and without a shunt, and sees perfectly! GOD IS GOOD.

The doctors never insisted on us ending Braxton's life, but did say that life would consist of 24 hour nurses, g-tubes for feedings, brain shunts for the bleeding, and surgery for ROP. Braxton came home on January 2, 2010 without having ROP surgery, without any brain surgeries, and without a G-tube sticking out of his belling.

We would not be able to make it if it weren't for all the support and prayers throughout this journey. Our journey is not nearly over; but I am beginning to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. It is a speck of brightness, but nevertheless it is there.

Without God, my husband, my awesome family and friends, I would be lost. Literally.

Look out for the next blog about today's developmental clinic appointment. This journey does not stop, nor do we slow down. there is a list of appointments and procedures to be made. TBC....

Thanks again for keeping up with our family and continuing to pray.

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