Friday, August 6, 2010

Regional center battles

The boys have been in, what I like to call, "the system" for 3 months now. Regional center has been seeing them once a week for an hour each. To refresh memories, An early intervention teacher comes and works with them; they work on sensory integration, gross/fine motor skills, etc. It's been great...
However, after learning a little more about my rights as a parent I became aware that the boys could be getting so much more. Immediately I was on the phone and was able to get both boys an extra hour a week! This means they will have the teacher come and work with them two times a week for an hour each. I also insisted on an OT/PT consult come to the house to evaluate them. As we have been waiting on insurance to pick them up, I didn't want to delay them from getting those services. The obstacle I am facing here, is they are trying to send me to Rancho Bernardo of all place, to get them their therapy. This is ridiculous to me, because I know they have in home therapist that travel around the county. We are waiting for approval on this.... of course it's all about money. (i also learned that the Inland Empire Regional center is the worst off, financially, compared to the rest of the state). lucky us... Means we gotta fight even harder.

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