Friday, August 13, 2010

Pre-op appointment

I took Braxton to his pre-op appointment yesterday. His eyes have not improved and the measurements have been consistent at every appointment. This is good, in order to make an accurate correction in surgery. The doctor spent a lot of time with us, explaining the exact procedure that she will do, the recovery time, etc.

The process will take an hour and a half. She will cut the inner eye muscle to weaken it so they will not be forced inward (that's the goal). After a week the swelling and redness should be gone and we should have an idea if the surgery was a success or not. It won't be till about 6 weeks that we really know; when the eyes are completely healed.

She told me that sometimes in 2 or 3 years, the eyes go back and start the old habits. At which point, we'd have to re-operate.

The week of the appointment we have a meeting with the anaesthesiologist to determine if Braxton is healthy enough for out patient. If they feel he needs to be in the hospital for the surgery, then we post pone this date and find a new one. I don't think he'd need hospital stay. His lungs are way healthier than xander and no deathly illnesses since he's been home. But we'll see what they have to say.

Thank you for all your prayers during this time. I am praying that his eyes are completely restored and that this will help his over all development.

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