Tuesday, May 4, 2010

xander's eyes

Xander had an appointment at the end of may, to get his eyes check. However, he has a small cyst on the side of his eye (near eye lid) that looked like it was getting bigger. Per doctors orders, I called and made the appointment for an earlier date.

Monday we went and the doctor ordered a c/t scan to make sure it was a cyst and nothing else going on there. (she's pretty sure it is). For the c/t scan they have to sedate him....that word scares the heck out of me, because of his experience in the NICU. IF you remember, when he got his MRI, he ended up coding (and what that means, is they had to do CPR on him!). He was still on the oxygen and not as strong as he is now...so it might not even be an issue. However, it also could have been that he was allergic to the sedation medicine. I will, of course, inform the radiologist of this and if I have a choice, I would rather have him intubated for the procedure. In the NICU they have the doctor, RT, and the nurse all right there to help in case of an emergency. In the lab...not the same set up. The thought of putting a tube down his throat makes me sad...but not sure I want to risk the other issues.

On a better note...his eye sight is great! He is seeing just as if he were full term baby! So the doctor doesn't want to see him for another year! :)


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