Saturday, May 8, 2010


I was driving behind a red convertible today. For about 5 miles I watched as the two young girls danced and sang to their loud music and laughed as their hair was bouncing in the wind. We were in traffic...but that didn't seem to bother them. They were in a convertible. With the top down! It looked as though they were driving the the beach. hmm...must be nice.

I couldn't help but feel envious. jealous. It reminded me of was only a couple years ago I was doing the same thing. Made me really miss those days.

Then I get home and see my baby boys. As soon as I walk in the room (the second xander sees me) he smiles so big it brings me to laughter. I pick him up and playfully kiss him. He wouldn't stop giggling out loud. He laughed so hard that his little shoulders bounced up and down. I laughed.

I quickly forget about my jealous heart and thanked God for the life I lead now. Not to long from now, my boys and I will be laughing and dancing to our own loud music, as we drive to the beach. :)

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