Sunday, May 23, 2010

c/t scan

xander has a c/t scan tmw. The scan is for the cyst that is growing near his eye. They want to make sure it is just a cyst and that its not growing towards the brain or veins aren't making a home within it. I'm nervous. For good reason.

two weeks or so before xander came home from the hospital, he had a MRI done. While he was on the table, sedated, he coded. What this means is his little heart stopped. He turned blue. Thankfully one of my primary nurses was with him, along with an RT and the doctor was right out the door. The nurse immediately did chest compressions, and his heart rate finally went up.

Was it because he was so weak? He was still on one really knows. but to play it safe, we are not doing any sedation tmw morning during the exam. He will go in super hungry (and cranky) and I'll feed him while they do the test. The part I'm going to hate is the fact he has to have an IV (for contrast). :( My cousin is coming with me... (thanks cuz).

praying for God's hand to be on my little guy.

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