Sunday, May 30, 2010

OT evaluation

The boys had their first OT appointment. The first one is simply to evaluate the need for the service and to set some lose goals.

Braxton still has some reflexes that at 5 months (adjusted) he should not have. When he kicks his legs, both legs kick at the same time. If you put one leg bent, the other leg bends. His brain doesn't allowed him to work his body parts independent of each other. She said that this is something we can train his brain to do. So when he is pushing out both legs, we are to hold one leg steady. Same with his arms.

Up until a week ago, he wasn't consistently rolling from his tummy to his back. now I find him on the other side of the room. So this isn't an "issue" any longer.

He still stands on his toes when you put him in a standing position. She showed us what to do to, again, train his body/brain to not do this. The brain has a pattern that supposedly we can break.

Some of the behaviors that he was showing, was confusing to her, because she didn't know if that was developmental or from the nystagmus and strabismus
(the crossing of the eyes and the jerky eye movement). He goes back to doc on june 21 for his eyes. She wants to see him weekly.


She wasn't as concerned with Xander. Not that she was overly concerned with braxton, but xadner wasn't showing the same immature behaviors. Xadner is pretty age appropriate (for adjusted age). With him, we are working on sitting by himself and raising his body on his hands (during tummy time).

She thinks seeing him 2 times a month would be sufficient. I was pleased to hear that.

With that said, OT and PT will be put on hold for a week or so due to insurance issues. We are going to start going to Loma Linda outpatient rehab for their therapy. The facility closer to home didn't take the boys medical, therefore the weekly payment was going to be ridiculous.

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