Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Loud and BUSY day

At last...I sit on my bed. Silence. Solitude. And it's only 5:45pm. Mr. Mac and Miss Cabernet Sauvigon accompany me, as I try to break away from the madness (and I mean that in all it's entirety).

My day started out good...I got plenty of sleep, got up to feed the babies around 4:30 and even managed to do a workout video. I vacuumed and even did a load of laundry. And then it starts.

Dad leaves for work today at 7am, caden is cranky and bored. AND Sick. green snot dripping down his nose is not a pretty sight. I quickly tell him (in the most enthusiastic voice I can conjure up), "why don't you go outside and play with your bubbles". NO more persuading needed after he heard the word, bubbles. Meanwhile, while I'm rocking (more like jolting because that's what he likes) braxton to soothe him, and making goo goo, gaa gaa faces
(it's no wonder I am no longer fluent in English.) at xander to keep him from screeching, caden has quietly come back in the house and managed to pour a bottle of water all over the floor. I get it cleaned up. When I'm putting the towel back in the dirty clothes, I hear, "splash". He poured the rest of the water out. I was sure I put the bottle far enough away from him.

Needless to say, my house was loud today. The Crying, The conversations, more crying, tv, teacher's voice, not to mention the voices in my head saying, "remember to call the PT/OT doctor, oh and remember to follow up with the insurance company. Don't forget to call the pediatrician to get that referral processed." No, I never got to those phone calls. EVEN with my friends here helping (thank you by the way!), I wasn't able to take time to make my calls. The good news is, they will still be there tomorrow.

by the way...Braxton now has a runny nose. Poor guy can't breathe. This makes for a very fussy baby. A runny nose AND teething. Loads of fun.

2pm rolls around and the babies are still not asleep. Rocking, singing, making faces. Even tried doing exercises with them in an attempt to tire them out. 3 o clock, phil walks in, and of course all I want to do is hand over the babies and say, "here. your turn." But I can't. He's still working. I watch him walk up stairs, thinking, "you are so lucky!" 4 o clock, 5, and now almost 6, I can still hear them downstairs crying as I sit here typing.

I managed to cook a quick spaghetti dinner, take the trash out, pour the bottles. Phil walks up behind me and asks, "is everything okay." The answer...no. It was such a LOUD and BUSY day.

I'm blessed to have a husband that cares so much. As a result...here I get to sit. alone. :)


  1. You do such an awesome job, Shawna! I am really, really proud of you and the way you fight to have a good attitude despite the chaos and craziness of your life. I have been praying for you a lot lately and can't wait to come and hang out with you and your boys. xxx -E

  2. I agree with Erin.
    Keep pressing on.
    We are praying consistently for you all.
    And your honesy helps us to pray more effectively. Thanks.
    Much love!
