Wednesday, October 6, 2010

wash your hands! (pls)

Here we go again...flu season is peeking it's ugly face around the corner (or is he here already, lurking in my house...i don't know). I do know, that I am getting a cold and it's a huge reminder of what this season brings: antibacterial wipes, Clorox sprays, hand washing, purel all over the house (okay it's already there now, but being a bit neglected).

The boys are still susceptible to RSV, which is a serious (Can be deadly) form of a cold that really hits the respiratory system. Any cold they get can become very serious; we were told until they are 2 years old adjusted, that we need to take precautions in avoiding getting them sick. Starting this month (which reminds me I need to make that appointment) they will get their synagis shots which will help them avoid RSV.

I am going to have to be germ Nazi again. If I have guest over they need to wash their hands first thing. I hope my friends and family understand, too, when I ask them not to come over if they have any cold symptoms.

This last year we have stunned the doctors; or I should say Braxton and Xander have. Our boys never once had to go back into the hospital. This, according to the doctors, is rare. Usually the boys go back once or twice because they got a bad enough cold and it turned into pneumonia. The boys have gotten sick, but praise GOD it hasn't been anything serious. I would like year two to be the same.

Thank you for helping me with this goal :)

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