Monday, October 18, 2010


Looks like it's official. Phil and I hired a nanny last week. We have been SOO blessed this last year, with help from friends and family. People would come over to assist with taking care of the babies and caden, people would help with laundry and make sure the dishes didn't get stacked too high, people just happily served our family. IT still amazes me--and I have learned so much about the importance of serving others.

As the year crept a long, the help got slower. As expected....people can't dedicate their whole lives around the carmona clan. I would never want that either. My mom comes on Tues/Thursdays and phil's mom had been coming on Mondays. That left three/four days a week (cuz phil works all week) where I was at home by myself. is doable. However, nothing else was getting done. The laundry room was soo congested with smelly dirty clothes that you couldn't even access the garage. The dishes would pile so high, they took over the kitchen counter. The floors (because they are wood), were soo dirty, the babies had black toes while they were cruising all over the house. NOt to mention bills, mail, planning for my class, taking care of myself (a shower), taking twins to their appointments, cooking dinners, picking up toys, putting clothes away, trash, etc. etc. It is HARD HARD HARD caring for my boys by myself.

So after some time I have come to realize that this isn't a short season in my life. We need some permanent help. My pride was knocked down and I am humbling myself to get the help that is really needed and thankfully available. So we welcome Stephanie; A student at Loma Linda, who has a BA in child development and now going for MFT. She will be with us Mon/Wed/Fri. She started last week and she was awesome! She not only was fully engaged with the kids, but she helped me with the chores. She's sweet and outgoing and i can tell has a lot to offer. After some time, I pray I can trust her enough to leave a kid or two with her so I can have more play dates out side the house, or maybe just go grab an hour of alone time, etc. Caden also needs some one on one attention these days....can't blame him.

I look fwd to this transition...I know it will decrease some of the nasty tension and gloomy feeling that often lurks in this house.

Your prayers are definitely welcomed-- trust is a big big thing for me. I want to be able to feel relaxed and comfortable while Stephanie is working with us.

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