Friday, October 22, 2010

"is it xander.."

The last couple days Caden has been saying, "is it Xander..." "is it Braxton....". I didn't have to think very long to realize why he was saying this. Both the boys, Braxton and Xander are now mobile. They are both crawling and using furniture, toys, each other (not the best strategy...gets pretty ugly) to pull to a standing position. It makes Caden take a second look to see which is which. He bends down low and looks at their face then confirms to me..."it's xander". :0) Its very cute.

Makes me excited that Braxton is closing the gap between him and his twin. THey are both falling behind, developmentally in other areas. But nevertheless, the gaps are closing. We...they....are making progress. Thank God.

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