Tuesday, January 26, 2010

feeding schedule

my mom and I took the twins to their new pediatrician today. She is the same one caden goes to and I love her. She gave us the okay to go 4, even 5 hours in the night without feeding them. If they are not waking up, then she says to let them sleep. like i said...i Really like her. :) They have gained weight nicely this last week. Braxton weighs 10 pounds 12 ounces. Last week he was 10.5. Xander weighs 10 pounds 9 ounces. Last week he was 10.4. So we will try this new schedule this week and then we will go back to the doc next tuesday to weigh them and see how they are doing. Other than that, she was happy to see how responsive they both were. She was even more excited to hear that they have already rolled over. She did, however, warn us that she would keep them on the apnea monitors for at least 6 months! uggh...I know by then I might wanna throw 'em out the window. Right now, though, I do have such peace of mind knowing that I will be aware if and when they have any episodes. I'm sure if they do not have any episodes for some time, she wouldn't keep them on it. (side note, xander goes to the BPD clinic for his lungs, in two weeks. here we will when he can come off the oxygen). Praying it is during THAT visit!

Well gotta get caden ready for bed...and myself for that matter. :)

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