Sunday, January 24, 2010


Last night was a rough one. We have been doing SOO well; the monitors haven't been heard in a long time. Braxton's apnea monitor hasn't gone off for a few weeks and xander's hadn't gone off in 8 days. But last night it felt like we were making up for "lost" time.

3:15am I hear beep beep beep beep (5 beeps). that's the longest it has ever gone off. It tends to stop at 2 or 3, when the boys resolve the issue on their own. i hurried to the twins, to find phil holding braxton. he had the WORST reflux I have ever seen which caused him to have a brady. He was arching his back so far and was completely stiff. It was bad. He had some old milk in his mouth that came up and was crying uncontrollably and grunting. It was so sad to watch. After about 15 minutes he calmed down and was able to go back to sleep.

I fed the boys at that time and then went to go lay back down. About 6:00, about 15 minutes after getting back into bed, I hear another monitor go off. I rushed downstairs (my mom was with the boys), and xander had a brady. He had two, in fact, about 10 minutes apart. He was trying to eat and sleep at the same time. Never a good combination.

I then went back to bed and about 8 the alarm goes off again. This time braxton had a high heart rate. HE was fussing and crying and got all worked up making the monitor alarm. By the time we got to him, we realized he had a poopy diaper (he HATES dirty diapers).

Finally, thanks to my mom, I was able to go sleep for a good 2 hours while she held the fort down. So thankful for her!

I pray that tonight and every night to follow is different and way more peaceful. Right when I started to think, "maybe those monitors aren't needed anymore", I realize how thankful I am for them!

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