Saturday, January 8, 2011

Parent Infant Program

Braxton and Xander will be attending the early start program at my old job, California School for the Deaf, Riverside (CSDR)! We had our IFSP (a meeting to discuss goals and best placement for the boys) this week. The team decided because of their hearing loss and lack of language at this time, the boys would best fit the Parent Infant Program (PIP). It's a signing environment, but they do have speech goals and will see a speech therapist. I could not be more thrilled! We loved the teacher and the class has 7 other children ranging from 18 months to 2.5 years old.

I only have one concern...GERMS. It is the middle of flu season. They will be around multiple kids and a lot of germy toys. NOt to be paranoid, but I really don't want to go back in the hospital with one of them. I'm weighing the cost....language, socialization vs. the chance of getting real sick. I feel God tugging me and telling me, TRUST ME...PRAY for your little ones and let them grow and develop and experience what this classroom has to offer.

With that said, we will go in on Tuesday for about an hour to see the boys roam and check out the set up of the classroom. Then we will probably start going T/TH for a few weeks, working up to M-Th (8:00-11:00). I will (or my mom will) have to be there until they are 18 months old...then the goal is to drop them off. This will be soo good for them, because they are very (especially xander) attached to mommy.'s the start of another chapter in our book of "life raising preemies"!

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