Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Our New Year's Day was spent at one of my most favorite places..THE BEACH! Living in Riverside now, I don't get to see the beach as much as I want, and definitely not as much as I did.

My cousin Kirsten and friend Heidi both joined us for breakfast and a stroll down main beach in Huntington. The boys loved the sand (first time touching it) and the weather couldn't have been more perfect.

2011 is going to be an exciting year....no doubt another year full of challenges and changes. ( As you know, if you have kids, you master one area in parenting and a whole new season begins.)
But one things for sure....


Thank you Lord for giving me a chance to learn, change, forgive, and love...I pray I can do this job even better in year 2011!

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