Monday, June 28, 2010

update on eyes

after going to the doctor last week, it was apparent that Braxton's eyes have not gotten better. Even tho I have noticed the right eye focusing more, when the doctor did the measurements there is not much improvement. Therefore, we went ahead and scheduled the appointment. The date right now is set for august 26th. There might be an opening on Aug. 5th, which I am hoping for. I am ready for this to be over with and be able to see Braxton interacting and not getting so frustrated.

Of course, during this time there are mixed emotions; I mean it IS a surgery. He will be put under and it will take about 1.5 hours. The doctor is very good and I trust her 100%. However, your prayers during this time are definitely appreciated!

We will go back a week before surgery to check one more time before the surgery.

More to come....thanks for your continued prayers!

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