Monday, June 14, 2010

lesson learned

105 temperatures
green snot
2am diarrhea
throw up

The last few weeks have been MISERABLE. Miserable for my babies as they were sick, miserable for me as a mom trying to handle three sick babies, and miserable for GOD.

I was reminded these last few weeks that GOD gave me these babies and this life and he could easily take it away. Not that I think He would do such, but He definitely put me under so much pressure and stress that all I had was to turn to Him for patience and guidance and strength. Once I was under that realization, He didn't put on the breaks, but pushed me that much further. I was then sick in bed for 3 days with strep and ear infections. I might have yelled out loud, " OKAY GOD I GET IT!"

SO there it was...plain and clear. God's lesson to me.
Despite the busy life I lead, I have no excuse to be doing it on my own. I have been absent from his presence. I have not been reading, praying, or acknowledging anything He has done for me. I have stepped in the drivers seat and took off full speed. CLEARLY, in the wrong direction.

I am SO thankful that I do not have to drive, and I can sit back and be passenger--now I just have to learn how to not be a back seat driver.

Thank you Lord for these last couple weeks. I can [now] honestly appreciate what you did. Sorry for my stubborn heart.


  1. I love your teach-ability and humility to admit your struggle, one that I can identify with very well. The struggle to let God be God and stop taking the wheel from him. I am so blessed to see you grow as a mother.....God has truly blessed you!

  2. I am impressed. A thank you for my pain post.
    Can't wait to hear more.
