our sick day
went for a walk to the park. This was before I knew he was so sick.

He was so cranky, I thought getting him out of the house would make him happier and feel better.

my mom is a life saver!

The two boys "playing" together.
wow...being a mom is tough. Being a mom to 3 sick babies is even tougher!
THank GOD my mom was here this week to help me. Yesterday was the breaking point.
Caden's temperature reached 104.4. I was at the pharmacy getting
braxton's medicine (for PINK EYE!) when my mom called me. I immediately came home, thinking he may need to go to urgent care. After medicine and a bath his temp went down. HE was still very
lethargic and didn't move from the couch for hours, sleeping off and on.
braxton's nose is running, he's coughing and his eye is almost swollen shut from the pink eye.
Xander's cough makes him gag, and i freeze while looking at him, making sure he is able to take a breathe. We have been giving 3-4 breathing treatments a day for him, but I'm not certain how much it's helping. He's not letting me put the mask on him, and he doesn't let the mouth piece really stay in his mouth. So I simply hold it near his mouth and nose. Making it a game allows me to sit there with it for 10 minutes.
praying for a better day today.
Hang in there and you are an amazing mother! LOVE YOU!