Preemies often need help from an OT (occupational therapy), when they begin eating solids. Often times they are not coordinated enough or they have an adverse reaction to the textures of the food/spoon. Just like they had to learn how to drink from a bottle, it might take them longer to learn the concept of eating from a spoon. Buuut, these are pretty special babies and I have a feeling it won't take them too long :)
As you can see in the first picture, caden is missing. I chose to approach this task while he was napping. Soon enough I will have all three sitting there. I better keep the broom in the kitchen now!
This time is bitter sweet. Sweet, in that they are getting bigger and strong enough to sit and eat solids. Bitter....it's going to be that much harder to feed them; new routine will need to be put in place and anticipated frustrations with the learning process.
With that said, though, I'm looking forward to tomorrows feedings!
They look great:) Keep up the good work little ones! 3 High Chairs at one time!! Dang~ that is gonna be a fun time
I would say just move all of the feedings outside. That's what I'm thinking about doing and I only have one child. Love the pics.