The boys, and I mean ALL the boys, had their first outing yesterday. We went (with help of course) to babies r us to buy them their crib mattress's. I had one cart with caden and a car seat and then one baby was in the other cart. Needless to say, It was a sight. And surprisingly, the babies did really well. That is until they got hungry. We made a bit of a scene with the loud cries--got a few questions and a few comments, "wow, you are a busy mom!" " oh my, how old is your oldest. wow, you are a busy woman!" (i get that a lot, the busy mom part). It's funny, I would be a rich women if I had a quarter for every time I heard that.
I won't lie. I was nervous to do this errand. But after the success, the world will be exposed to the chaos much more often (with my helpers of course). Okay, so maybe chaos is a little overstated.
Good job boys!
Good job Shawna! I really admire you. :o)