The last words I heard after leaving this week's appointment was, "have a nice life". Mr xander is cleared from the BPD clinic. [Bronchopulmonary dysplasia involves abnormal development of lung tissue. It is characterized by inflammation and scarring in the lungs. It develops most often in premature babies, who are born with underdeveloped lungs.] After going to the BPD clinic every month for 4 months, they feel he is doing well enough to be "discharged" from their services. Yes, his lungs are still fragile and still developing, but he does not need to see the pulmonary specialist anymore; his pediatrician can take care of all his health needs from this point on.
He is weighing in at 13 pounds...the dietitian thought that he was making good progress, however, he is still close to following off the growth charts. So she has decided to increase his calorie intake to 27 (My little chunker, braxton, is still at 22).
All in all, This was great news!!
Oh my gosh!!!!! That is great news!