Monday, July 19, 2010

playmate, thereapy, thoughts....

I have sat in amazement the last couple days... Caden has left my side for more than 10 minutes to play. without me. amazing! I look over and he's interacting with xander and braxton. Sadly, more xander than braxton; I will hear him say, "no xander" when he tries to get something caden has. Or I will see him "attempt" to read him a story. VERY cute.

It sort of breaks my heart, though, that I have to remind caden to interact with Braxton. I can understand why caden is playing with xander more; xander is crawling and exploring. Braxton still lays there. in one position. He will move from tummy to back, but not like his brother. Braxton will play with his toys and mouth them. He will babble and giggle if someone engages with him. But he's just not like his brother. YET!

Caden is my little shadow. It's not easy... I wonder, is it his toys? are they are too babyish. is he ready for more? Have I not taught him to play independently? or is he just plain bored. Well I think a little of all that. I'm excited when the twins can be his live in playmate, so when we can't leave the house, they have one another.

Braxton goes for his first physical therapy appt. tmw. I'm curious to see what she says...I'm ready for some of these delays he's showing to be caught up. (baby reflexes are still present, etc.)
He has OT next week-- I pray for good therapist, and I also pray that insurance covers all the co-pays. (that can get expensive!).

I'm left in my much more in my head, but caden is insisting on my attention. nothing new. :)


  1. Our Lord has all under control and in His timing all will be Okay!

  2. You and Phil are doing a great job! Keep up the hard work. Looking forward to hearing more news!
