Saturday, July 3, 2010

carlsbad "vacation"

Have you ever gone to the beach but didn't actually GO to the beach? I were at the beach but didn't put your toes in the sand or take a swim in the ocean? Well, that would describe our latest attempt at a vacation.

We booked a condo at the beach in San Diego a year in advance; 4th of July weekend. (in order to secure the spot you have to plan a year in advance). we plan to go some where local in case I was pregnant or had a little baby. Good thing we didn't book it out of state-- 3 little ones in hand would not have been the greatest idea.

So our "vacation" rolls around and we arrive at the beach. It's COLD. I'm talking 65 degrees and no sun in sight. For the first few days this did not bother me. We were coming from sunny and hot Riverside. So it was a refreshing change; it actually felt like we were further away from home than we really were. But by the 4th day, and no sign of the sun, it was getting a bit annoying. Typically we would have gone down to the sand regardless of the weather--but the twins got a cold while we were there. This means we were stuck in doors, because the cold wind is not good for their lungs.

Even though we didn't touch the sand, or feel the water, or build sand castles....we were together. Sounds corny, but Phil and I don't see much of each other. We are on totally opposite schedules. So to be in the same room for 7 days straight was a huge treat. We had friends and family come in and out to stay in the 2nd bedroom and enjoy the place with us. So we played tons of catch phrase (girls rocked at it by the way. don't let phil tell you otherwise). Phil and I tried to play ping pong with the three kids. That didn't work too well. but it was a good effort. We did sneak away for a few to play by ourselves-- that was fun.

All in all...this "vacation". or what I like to call a trip, was not what I expected. I did expect it to be hard-- we had 3 little ones with us and we were out of our element. But did not expect to be stuck mostly in doors. God was teaching us patience....and contentment. Still working on those....

at the wild animal park...scuuured of the deer.
family shot at the Wild Animal Park

The play ground at the resort (notice the long pants and sweat shirt)

mini golf at the resort

The boys seem to gravitate towards one another. When we leave they are far apart. When we return (seconds later) they are side by side. It is quite cute. They are starting to be very aware of one another-- and with that, they are very aware of what each other have. And they want it!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys got to take a trip!
    Too bad abt the weather.
