On this day, TWO years ago, you entered this world. You and mommy layed in the hospital for a little over a week trying to help you stay inside me. You really weren't suppose to be here until election day, November 4th. After a month of medicine, IV's and bed rest, God decided it was time for you to meet your mommy and daddy. The nurses were all worried that you would have to go to the NICU, because supposidly boys are weaker at birth than girls when they are born early. So the NICU nurses stood in our room to check you out. At 35 weeks, you were acting as tho you were born full term; you had all the requirements in order to go into the "regular nursery". I knew you would be okay..... After all your name means, "warrior"! :)
And that is what you have been these past two years. You have endure a lot of change in your short little life. Thankfully you have transitioned into being a big brother and having to share mommy and daddy's attention quite well. YOu definitely have some "terrible 2's" moments. But if that is what terrible twos look like, I'll take it.
here's a brief list of some of the things you are doing now:
-if you ask, "how old are you going to be?" You will say, "me 2".
-You are counting to 4
-you know all your basic colors. You can say them in sign and identify them.
-you are well on your way to knowing many of your shapes (thanks to the iphone kids apps).
-your favorite cartoon right now is Curious George. You request to watch it every morning right when you get up. (thankfully we DVR it). " Watch Curious George please," is what you say.
-you love to play with different kinds of balls. You are learning to catch and throw like a pro! (so I may be biased)
-you like to "tackle" your brothers, especially xander. You are learning to be gentle
-you are still a very picky eater. But lately you have eaten green beans and carrots! whoo hoo!
-everyone is pretty impressed with your ability to sign and use your words at such a young age. And clearly.
-during prayer time, you love to pray for people. You say, "who else". I say a name. Then I say, "who else" and you say a name. Its very cute and shows what a HUGE heart you have!
Thank you for all the wonderful memories these last two years. You are truly a gift from God and such a blessing to me and your family! I love you with all my heart, (clear past heaven!).
Happy birthday bubba!
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